Friday, January 8, 2010

little post from me

So I wanted to post some pictures and cant find my cameras....I had things on my mind I wanted to blog but cant remember! Story of my life.

Kids are off today because of the greatness of snow....I usually love having my kids home but today...yeah they were bouncing off walls....2 hour delays are nice but the whole day...IDK.

Its been a pretty emotional week for me for some reason...just so much I am thinking of from my kids to my husband and family to God to my past and to my future....I just am daydreaming way to much....and my house is showing that....and of course I work tonight and here I am on the computer. But all the thinking makes me grateful to the man upstairs for he does everything for a reason and it works out if you put your trust in him!

Now I need to focus to our trip planned around Easter and a few things I have to straighten out with 14 year olds' dad...and that will take alot up of my time....but its all about my son and what he wants so I have to do my part!

Have a great Blessed day!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Out with 2009 and in with 2010 and I am hoping this is going to be our year! I believe 2009 was a challenge to our family to make us stronger for 2010 and years to follow. I am still going to be working my 2 jobs for now but learning how to juggle it now so its getting alot easier..not easy but easier. I look at 2009 and sigh because it was a challenging year for us financially but then again alot of families had it worst than us and that I am is way more important than money and we were pretty good with that.

Its hard to believe that 2010 will bring me a 15, 10, 8, 6 and 5 year old and married for 9 years and no more new babies yet. I am hoping to try to set alot of goals for this year and stick to being blogging more often, loosing some weight, and maybe even finding another church family. I also have alot of, well as my husband would say, loose ends around the house that need focused on....nothing bad...just was getting a little lazy with things and time to straighten up. I could blame Facebook but I know that is not the reason....yes I am tired alot and just feel like sitting around more than doing other I am one who gets a sort of depression in the winter months...the cold/snow and all it does play a role on my I am starting out slowly....any little step I take will be a huge one for me.

So here's to a Happy and Healthy New year to all of you!