Wednesday, August 4, 2010

its how you live!

I came across a blog today of a mother of 4 who almost lost her life in a plane crash and was in a coma for a few months and now because of her faith is doing exactly what she wanted to a mother, wife and a daughter of Christ even though she does not look the same as she did before the accident..I watched her video for the Mormon church she did and it was very touching.

And because I am labeled a "creeper" by my kids I was creeping in her old archives and looked at her posts before the accident...even like a few days before and in my mind I just thought.. wow only if her and her husband knew that in a few days this tragic accident would happen and change their life's forever.

This shows that you never know what is going to for today likes its your last..leave a the life that our God wants you to live. Also Faith and a good relationship with our heavenly Father can get us through even the most tragic events in our lives and sometimes can even make you become stronger.

1 comment:

mizzmarycontrary said...

I have been following Nie's blog since the accident. Very inspirational. Gives me perspective when I think I am having a hard day :)