Tuesday, September 24, 2013

when the head of the house is down for the count!

Yes...I had to take a day off from my wife/mom/front end manager duties (called off from work).
I woke up and felt horrible!!!   I tried to start cleaning but it was not working out in my favor so off to the couch I went!  I did get to take a long morning nap.  God was on my side by letting the baby go back to sleep at 8 am and slept until 11 (or he just played very nicely in his crib for 3 hours)
I broke down and called off from work so I had the lazy day I have been longing for.  It was nice that all my kids were home and we had nothing to do so I picked a nice day to be sick.  We watched bad ..not that mom would normally let my kids watch  movies all afternoon.  It was one of those afternoons I would remember for along time

Well the Supermom I am I decided I felt better so I would try to prepare a small dinner.  Grilled Cheese, Mac/Cheese and soups for all.  Now my Kitchen was not in the best condition because a lazy day for mom of course means a lazy day for the kids.  I made it through dinner and started dishes as I was cooking and then after I ate I sat with my husband for a few minutes before I finished cleaning the kitchen, who was working on Cub Scout stuff to help him out.  Well within minutes I felt sick all over again (deep down I knew I overdid it with the cheese but this girl loves cheese)  so at 6 at night I went back to lay down

I actually got back up around 9 and felt better so  I walk into the Kitchen only to have my stomach go back into knots.. knots that made me sicker then I was all day!  My Kitchen looked like a catergory 5 Hurricane Graham passed through.  Decisions Decisions....do I wake everybody up who was just settling down to a good night sleep to have them clean the kitchen or do I say Heck with it and we tackle it in the morning.........I got another 9 hours asleep after that.

Of course I had to take pics for memories....Right???????

But we do clean up well!!!!

Have a Positive Day!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

There will be days like this

20 minutes ago I had all intentions on going to church...really I did!  We missed last week cause a few kids had horrible colds/coughs and mom was getting one also.  I woke up early to start cleaning up from my non work day yesterday and was moving right along.  The I realized my hamper is full (I admit I have no clothes for church....well no bras that is...all in the hamper  I know TMI) and I snuck a peek into my bedroom to see my husband who works 6 days a week and up at 5 am still peacefully sleeping away at 8 am.  I still have to finish my Kitchen and I also had a to do list I never got to do yesterday since I was down for count.  I go in to work tonight and work for the next 4 days so I am thinking I really need to finish some things up around here...plus my husband has another popcorn booth sale today 12-4 so he will pretty busy with that.

So that brings me to this thought...by not going to church does that make you any less of a Christian???  Well in my mind absolutely not!!!!  There are many things that could define being a Christian and remember there is no perfection is Christianity.  I also will go on a limb and say just by going to church does not define you as a Christian...look at me now...I am judging and that is not Christian like?!?!?  So I guess I am saying we are skipping church today and I know there will be more of these playing hookie from church days but it does define my family any less.  We try to keep the faith in our daily living and as my two kids would say we go to Youth Group once a week.  I do need to start working on a few of my kids reading daily devotions more....I always wanted my teens to do that but never did...maybe I can put that on my to do list for this week!

Have a positive day!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Still Trying

So here it is 5 days since my last post!  Its better then going a year I guess.  I will say it is not easy to find the time to update my blog with everything I have going on.  Today I did find some time due to me being sick all day and calling of work.  So no work and little housework makes some free time.  Another good thing that came from me being sick and laying around all day was that all of my kids sat and watched movies with me all afternoon.  That does not happen often due to many things going on and the wide spread of ages but it is always nice when all 6 of them are together in the same room.

As I mentioned in my post about my kids that my boys are in to scouts.  This year my husband has taken the role of cubmaster.  Yes we are doing it for the boys but it comes with a lot of work.  As me and my husband says its like having a another job.  It is well worth it and I now in the end we will look back at this and 1, think how the heck did we do it 2. we will miss it.   So far it has been going pretty good.  Me and my husband has always worked together as a team well.  Of course we have our moments.....the moments we fight, stress out and forget but it all works out...I think we work good under pressure.  Here is my boys with my husband at the popcorn booth sale raising money for the pack.  Let me just say it was a rough time getting ready to go and of course I forgot to ask off from work so he had to take the baby  which left an unhappy husband.  But it worked out like it always does for us.  We are so grateful that blessings pour over us in times like this.
 Have a blessed day my friends!

Monday, September 16, 2013


My only 2 girls!  Brittney 13 and Alyssa 11.  There are many times I think having 2 girls is just like having 4 boys. 

Brittney:  She is in the 8th grade and I will not hold nothing back about her!  One day I hope she looks back at this and reads it and sees why everything is the way it is.  She is very mature for her age...she really is.  I get told that all the time from many people.  She is going through that "lazy stage"  She really needs pushed to get anything done.  She would rather sit at home and watch TV then do anything else with friends or family.  She did drop out of GS and we can not get her to do anything else.  I am not the mom to push that hard cause I am one that believes that will make it worst sooner or later.  I jut pray everyday that she will find her way in the world we live in.  She does step up to the plate when needed with the baby and chores.  She acts like she is not that happy but I know deep down she is.  I know in the long run she will turn out to be an awesome lady! 

Alyssa~ She is in the 6th grade and adjusting well.  She is such a sweet girl who does behave very well for us however it comes with a price...and that is she could be whiny.  She knows it too...I think she uses that to her advantage at times.  She is my second mommy to the baby.  In her words to me all the time is.... she is going to have lots of kids like me!  She still dances two days a week and she recently started a local youth group at a church nearby.  I see in her future that she will be the mommy that does it all and handles it with class. 


Debbie G!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Well let me give you a refresher on my family.  THE BOYS......I have Kevin 18, Brandon 9, Ryan 8 ad Aiden 5 months. Yes 4 boys....Everyone asked me if I really wanted a little girl with my last baby and of course I did....I only have 2 girls (and we have 4 pets that are all boys) but secretly I am happy with boys....they are easier and cheaper...and I have no shame telling people that! 

Kevin~18  graduated in June and was a member of the High School Band all 4 years, did the Youth Crime Watch and was in the Schools ROTC program.  He also has been in Socuting since he was in 1st grade and he earned his Eagle Badge at the age of 15 in the 10th grade.  He is all in all a good kid!  He is planning on joining the Air Force and hopes to leave in the new year.  He is keeping busy by working Mon-Fri and one thing that impresses me with him is for being 18 he still pays attention to his siblings.  He will play with them and he will even help with the baby...always makes sure he comes over to see him when he comes home or walks by him.  I am excitied to see what the future holds for him.

Brandon~9 I describe him as my all around kid.  He has the worst behavior (Sorry B for throwing you under the bus for that) but yet has the best personality.  He is my sarcastic one and always has to joke around.  He is annoying at times but then he is the one who likes to cuddle with me and give me what he calls massages...he is also the one who keeps us on our toes!  Brandon is my kid that makes friends no matter where we go...not shy at all.  One of my favorite things about him is that when of the siblings make fun of him, (yes we do that here in our home for fun)  he is the child who laughs about it and makes fun of himself.  He also is a great help with the baby!  This year he is in the 4th grade and still active in the Cub Scouts!  Starting the Drums soon and not sure if he is going to do Soccer again.

Ryan~8  Ryan is hard to explain unless ya know him.  He is my child that got  diagnosed on the Autism spectrum but many people never know that by being around him.  He is my little adult as I call him at times.  Very thorough on all he does...Details Details is his main trait.  His memory is awesome (at times that sucks as a mother who will say maybe next time to deter something, he will not forget, even if its a year later)  He does very well at school academically but still has what we call meltdowns.  We have come a long way with them but they still happen.  If he forgets an assignment at home, he will cry when he realizes it. He does not like to be "called out" especially if its in front of others.... the meltdown will happen.  My favorite thing with Ryan is he loves to clean and organize....he will clean my whole house at this age if I let him.  He is also involved in Cub Scouts and loves Soccer so hoping to start that in the Spring...Fall is just do busy for that.

Aiden~5 months  My little man...the reason why my husband will be in Cub Scouts for a long time (wink wink hubby)  This little man was definitely a shock....not just to everybody else but to us too.  With him being 8 years apart from my then youngest it made us think OH MY?   This baby has been a blessing though.  I did have a very rough Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery but I have the most calmest and happiest baby ever.  He just goes with the flow and I guess he has to at our home.   He is always smiling and giggling...he even wakes up laughing and giggling to get my attention.  He is my only child to be a thumb sucker too.  Right now I think its adorable but I do hope he out grows it.  He is going to be very spoiled....his brothers and sisters already do a good job at that so I could only imagine in 5-10 years how it will be..him being the baby of the bunch.  (this is a hint to my older kids  that at 10 he will still need a babysitter so me and Dad can go out)

Well Next Time I will introduce my girls!  Til then my friend

Blessings and have a Positive Day!

Friday, September 13, 2013

I am back and hopefully to stay!

So I know I am like a ping pong ball with this blog thing.  I always have good intentions but life throws me in different directions.  I really do not know if anybody even reads my blog and if they did  they are gone now because its been a year since I posted.  One reason why I want to blog again is this is a cool way to look back on my life..memories.  My kids could also look back at the days and remember their memories even if they were bad ones.  I also figured this could help me answer some of the many questions I get from people on a daily basis....HOW DO YOU DO IT ALL?  I wonder what your day is like?  Why are you always so calm?  you and Mark have it together....  I never see you mad..Does that Happen???  Well if I can keep up with this, then you might see my ugly side too....but not that much...for we are an easy going family.

Yes we have 6 kids (for some who did not know #6 was born in April 2013)  I work out of the home about 30 hours a week and  I work 3-11 and my husband works 6 days week and works 6-3.  I am still a Girl Scout Leader and my husband recently became Cubmaster of the local cub Scouts and I am pretty much his right hand man(gal ) and its like having a second job.  My one daughter still dances twice a week and my boys do play soccer but just in the Spring.  Since my son graduated in June I have a break from the High School Marching Band which at times could have been overwhelming also.  I hope this does reach many people and now you can get a first hand look into the Graham Household!  Hopefully I remember how to upload pics to this thing!

Til we meet again on here have a blessed day!

Debbie G!