Tuesday, September 24, 2013

when the head of the house is down for the count!

Yes...I had to take a day off from my wife/mom/front end manager duties (called off from work).
I woke up and felt horrible!!!   I tried to start cleaning but it was not working out in my favor so off to the couch I went!  I did get to take a long morning nap.  God was on my side by letting the baby go back to sleep at 8 am and slept until 11 (or he just played very nicely in his crib for 3 hours)
I broke down and called off from work so I had the lazy day I have been longing for.  It was nice that all my kids were home and we had nothing to do so I picked a nice day to be sick.  We watched bad ..not that mom would normally let my kids watch  movies all afternoon.  It was one of those afternoons I would remember for along time

Well the Supermom I am I decided I felt better so I would try to prepare a small dinner.  Grilled Cheese, Mac/Cheese and soups for all.  Now my Kitchen was not in the best condition because a lazy day for mom of course means a lazy day for the kids.  I made it through dinner and started dishes as I was cooking and then after I ate I sat with my husband for a few minutes before I finished cleaning the kitchen, who was working on Cub Scout stuff to help him out.  Well within minutes I felt sick all over again (deep down I knew I overdid it with the cheese but this girl loves cheese)  so at 6 at night I went back to lay down

I actually got back up around 9 and felt better so  I walk into the Kitchen only to have my stomach go back into knots.. knots that made me sicker then I was all day!  My Kitchen looked like a catergory 5 Hurricane Graham passed through.  Decisions Decisions....do I wake everybody up who was just settling down to a good night sleep to have them clean the kitchen or do I say Heck with it and we tackle it in the morning.........I got another 9 hours asleep after that.

Of course I had to take pics for memories....Right???????

But we do clean up well!!!!

Have a Positive Day!

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