Thursday, August 2, 2007

Idlewild with some old firends...........

So everybody cuts up MySpce..they say it casues nothing but trouble...blah blah blah...well over the year that I have had the account I had came in contact with people I have not seen in years. Recently I got back i ntouch with an old friend I had in High school who I knew becasue I was engaged to her after all these years and not even being with her cousin anymore we clicked and are friends again....

On Monday We took our kids along with her mom and her two kids to Idlewild...we had a blast! They were pretty much the same age and they got along great! The sad thing was my 12 year who is their cousins was not able to attend and the two older boys who are there are age really wanted to see him...

Even thought it was a very hot day and very crowded the kids were pretty good...we even swam at the water park too...we stayed all day at the there at 11 am and stayed til 10:00 pm.

It was so nice to see Dorine and her Mom after all these years and the best thing is they still like me!LOL A lot of history with there family....I hope we can stay liek this...she is just an awesome girl!

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