Monday, September 1, 2008

one more day

and my baby will go to school. I am so torn still about this but I know this will be the best thing for him..he is just so little still. He starts the Dart preschool(kids that have a little delay) at 8:30 am. We went for orientation on Thursday and out of 5 new kids Ryan was the only one that would not sit for the circle time. I am so nervous but maybe when I am gone he will do better.

He is also starting the public school area pre-school. I really think he will not make it. At first our plan was to have our TSS(helper/aide) go with him every day for about two months then cut back gradually. Well the insurance company will not cover that many hours..we only got approved for 4 hours a week..and 6 hours at home. I would rather have more school hours then home hours but whatever. I really dont think the little guy is going to adjust to a maninstream pre-school...but anything is possible. I am praying all works out for the best interst for Ryan. God has a plan and he knows what he is doing and I just have to follow his lead.

On another note..Alyssa has cried every morning when Brittney walks her to her classroom. Hopefully this will be a tear-free week for her.


Mamajil said...

I hope it all went well this week!!

Kristin said...

I hope everything goes smoothly. It's a tough time of transition for sure.

Lori said...

Jackie is in the special needs 1st grade class now and the teachers said she's the only one that won't sit down for circle time. She wants to wander the room. Oh well, not much I can do about it. Hopefully she'll get better at it. Just have to go with the flow. I found with Jackie, I've had to just go with the flow on a lot of things, LOL!