Saturday, September 20, 2008

one by one they all start falling down.......

the kids all had the stomach flu. It started on Tuesday and it was bad. They could not hold nothing down and the had fevers and achy bones which made for whiny kids. Well Thursday afternoon I started feeling not too good but I fought it until about 5 pm well I was down. It was horrible I have not been that sick in a longtime..enough for me to be in bed and never get up so my DH had to take charge and finish what I started. Around Midnight I hear my DH running to the Bathroom..yep it got him too!

So there we are laying in our bed tossing and turning and moaning and groaning. Well one of us had to get up to kid the kids up for school. We both attempted but it was hard. Of course Kevin leaves first which means I cant even ask for his help. My dad did come up to take the girls to school so I we would not have to go out. Then my MIL cam and got the boys so we can rest. Yeah we finally got alone time and we were both stuck in bed which was not that easy since we only have a full and we just could not get comfortable and then my husband would yell at me and tell me to quit shaking the bed because It made him sick.

Well I am feel alot better today..just tired out. He is still sick..real I am trying to get him to go to med express because if the pattern of all us is the same he should be feeling better since it was like a 24 hour flu but he is stubborn and actually went up to his work to write a schedule for a couple of hours....whatever.

Oh and thanks for all the prayers from the last post..I still will not go into details but it seems to passing over.


Mamajil said...

Oh Gosh!!! I hate stomach bugs!!! We have been entertaining one ourselves for a week now. It has somehow escaped me but Lamar has been so sick!! Its bad when the parents get it!!
Take care and hang in there!

Kristin said...

Yikes -- I hope it doesn't spread thisaway. We have colds around here right now and that's tough enough! Hope you all recover soon.

Glenda Christina said...

Hope everyone is all better Debbie, hugs!

Lori said...

Hope everyone is doing well at your place.