Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nation Day of Prayer

So here it is the day before National Day of prayer and now President Obama has cancelled it for the White House..His right..well sure is but should he have done it...I really don't think a time like this in our nation and so much debate and one of them being his religion(does not mean I believe the hype) but why would he decide this now....You know we tell our kids at home and school when they do things like that it makes them look guilty..

I am not the most religious person I try but I know I fail alot too but this is important to alot of Christian people in the why not let it be...I would feel the same if Jews or Muslims, etc had the same day..just let it be...worry about the economy which leads to homeless, jobless parents working all the time to make ends meet. LETS FIX THAT!

You know I am giving President Obama a chance...he did a few things ok but there are some I dont agree with either....for whatever reason this seems like we are heading to a non-christian nation which our country was founded on that...and to make all work we need some kind of religion to fall on whether it be Christian/Muslim or whatever...and for thsoe non-believers you can have a day too...everybody is entitled! Thats why America is the land of the can march down my street and I will watch but I dont have to agree..I wont criticize you or harm you or even try to stop you...its your right!

I know you have the heavy supporters out there who are going to shoot me down..thats fine...but they usually are the same people who would be complaining if the organizers of the National Day of Prayer decided to not have it public at the white house for the first time in 10+ years and they would have been screaming about its because you all think he is a Muslim or non Christian..or he's black or he is a socialist or whatever...

That is why they say some things are left well alone and I do believe that is one of them since this has been tradition for 10 plus years and was founded by Harry Truman.....and observed by presidents over the years since..

I will be observing the National Day of Prayer and I will Pray for Obama to succeed in being our first black president and for him to help this country get back on track frm the mess he was left with...I may have not supported him but he is my president and I will support him when I need to and this is something I don't support him on even if its the littlest thing..i think not only I but HE should be worried about far more important things then a group of citizens coming out to pray at the White House!

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