Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just checking in

Spring has finally arrived for the most part! 70's all week and 80's by the end! We took the kids to the zoo yesterday because there was no school and hubby was off so we adventured down...BIG MISTAKE! I forgot that it is prime field trip season for all the school districts near and far! There at to be at least 50 buses parked already and more coming in! We did attempt to go in but was out of there in about 45 minutes...(thank goodness we have membership). At one point this group of pre-school kids pushed my kids out of line at one on the exhibit..Teachers said nothing!

So we left and went to pizza hut for lunch and then to the one local park and my kids had a blast(we don't do this often) Then went to get ice cream and visited Grandma and pap. It was a nice day and made me more excited for school to be done and nice weather to come!

1 comment:

Robin said...

We just went to our zoo today (Omaha, NE) and it was absolutely nuts!!! So many people. It was fun, though. Glad you had fun, too!!!