Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the question of homeschooling again....

I was reading over some blogs this morning when I cam across someone mentioning about homeschooling...the pros and cons...this is a mother who has many many children who does not home school but I guess is pondering it.

I have been pondering this same thing for quite awhile....and alot of her pros and cons are exactly what I think of. About 6 months ago I pretty much figured just give it up on homeschooling. I could never do it. First I work and I need to work..we could no way go on one income...I know you are supposed to put it in Gods hands but with out any detail we all ready do for the most part and he has provided alot already...we are still struggling with me working so struggling any more would be a nightmare to me.

The next big thing on why I could not is I am not ORGANIZED at all....oh my..I have organized un organization..if that makes sense...it always is a scavenger hunt and always late and oh I forgot to do that but it does always work, but with homeschooling I would not want to take that chance with my kids education.

I feel those are the 2 things holding me back....if I could just work on those..and actually the me not being organized scares me the most...I am one who will discipline myself and it will lasts for a couple of weeks and then boom..back to the drawing board.

My Husband is also not a big fan of homeschooling..I am sure I can change that a little..but it would be a struggle and will it be worth it in the end because I would feel pressured to show him that it works and if it doesn't well I hate being told I told you so! he also knows how unorganized I am and that alone is enough for him to say not a good ideal...

So here I am again today pondering this whole homeschooling thing again..I tell myself it just a phase...like a kid with a new video game...but I also feel like God is trying to reach out to me..maybe not to home school completely but to take a stand to prepare for what might come...
With the blog this morning and then taking my son to pre-school a lady sees me walking with 4 of the kids and she smiles and says are you a homeschooling mom and I just replied no for now I am not but you never know in the future. Also I am in midst with my 6 year old who is 1st grade...we might have to hold her back which is killing me but I know it has to be done...the school doesn't want to of course..just push them threw and they will catch up but I know she is not where she needs to be so that has brought this up again...

I know there are alot of families that struggle with this and it seems to be such a hard choice to make....in the end though I know that no matter what choice we did was best for us as a family.


Kristin said...

Hi Debbie -- thanks for stopping by my blog. I thought I had you on my list, but it's not there so I'll have to add :o)

As for homeschooling -- I hope you get good answers. It IS hard, but it's something that more and more people are doing and succeeding at even when they thought it was impossible. There are so many great networks and support groups out there nowadays, too.

But it's a tough decision and I hope you find clear answers.

Robin said...

Debbie, I have struggled with this since I started homeschooling in 2005. I put 2 back in school for the last 2 years and am going to be homeschooling everyone again next year. I am nervous about having everyone home again. I will pray that you find answers, too.

Debbie said...

thanks ladies..