Monday, September 16, 2013


My only 2 girls!  Brittney 13 and Alyssa 11.  There are many times I think having 2 girls is just like having 4 boys. 

Brittney:  She is in the 8th grade and I will not hold nothing back about her!  One day I hope she looks back at this and reads it and sees why everything is the way it is.  She is very mature for her age...she really is.  I get told that all the time from many people.  She is going through that "lazy stage"  She really needs pushed to get anything done.  She would rather sit at home and watch TV then do anything else with friends or family.  She did drop out of GS and we can not get her to do anything else.  I am not the mom to push that hard cause I am one that believes that will make it worst sooner or later.  I jut pray everyday that she will find her way in the world we live in.  She does step up to the plate when needed with the baby and chores.  She acts like she is not that happy but I know deep down she is.  I know in the long run she will turn out to be an awesome lady! 

Alyssa~ She is in the 6th grade and adjusting well.  She is such a sweet girl who does behave very well for us however it comes with a price...and that is she could be whiny.  She knows it too...I think she uses that to her advantage at times.  She is my second mommy to the baby.  In her words to me all the time is.... she is going to have lots of kids like me!  She still dances two days a week and she recently started a local youth group at a church nearby.  I see in her future that she will be the mommy that does it all and handles it with class. 


Debbie G!

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