Saturday, July 14, 2007

My three year old

So my little "B"....what a piece of work he is. Out of all the kids he has the all around personality. I say he will run for mayor one day!

He can have his moments and they can be pretty bad...the temper is starting to come out of him but he is so funny when he does it. When we actually have to correct him and he throws his fits and me and DH have to hide our faces and laugh at him because even though he gets our blood boiling its so darn cute..his faces and comments.

He is also the one who loves to give kisses and hugs for no reason....And he also does it when he is in trouble and says hte littel sorry mommy to go along with it. He is also the instigator in the family too..its never him always someone else too.

But the minute you ask him to help I get "sure" "No problem mommy" and "Yes Ma'am"!
HIs knew thing is to let us know how he wasnt us to answer his questions...its become quite funny in the last few weeks...some examples

"B" Mommy can I climb up and get some cookies?
"MOM" (pauses be fore I could get to answer)
"B" You say yeah!

"B" Can we got to the Zoo today?
Mom (starting to answer)
"B" You say Go Ahead

"B"Daddy said its time for bed!
"Mommy" (looking at the clock)
"B" You say NO!

So its our running joke between me and DH right now...How cute these little 3 year olds can be

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