Wednesday, March 18, 2009

why do I keep getting sick?

So I have been pretty lucky the last few years without ever getting sick, sick, you know the one that keeps you down but I am sick again for the third time since 2009 started! Not as bad as the last time...I swear I was dying but enough that I want to crawl in bed and be done for the day already and its only 8am. But I cant..especially much to do and my husband has walking pneumonia soooo I have to keep going.

On a positive note this year has been the first in years I have not had any sick kids...not even i the end of 2008 either. Al little sniffle here a cough here but nothing major that they were in bed and the Dr was called and meds were needed heavily. So I guess I cant complain that much.

I am just praying that me and Dh get well soon....we are going to the Poconos overnight next week. We are leaving Mon morning and will be back Tues night with no kids! This is the fist time since we were married 8 years ago that we are going away I am very excited!

Hope everyone is have a lovely week!


1 comment:

Kristin said...

Thanks for stopping by, Debbie! I hope you feel better soon (we've had the pukies and head colds here. UGH.)