But I do try to sneak on the computer from time to time. I officially have no time for the computer and it is killing me..its like the people who who some and drink and the have there fits...well I am having a computer fit..I am addicted.
First off my computer has some virus still which we can not fix..I was told my computer is too old(6 years) that new one would be the best..whatever. It takes me forever to just to some things on this computer. So far it has taken me 10 minutes to type this..
Anyway, everyone is good..It has been pretty crazy here...I started a 2nd job..yeah a 2nd. Money is so tight here and its not getting any better, then our washer broke and I know eventually I will need a new computer since schools make it that they must be used for a alot of the students work now. Also the Holiday season is approaching and not looking forward to those gas bills coming our way.
Yes I am getting exhausted but know I need to do it. I still have the perfect schedule though..with this second job I get to work any time/any day I want. Its perfect for a mother(especially if it was her only job) I put out magazines at the tle local stores and I get paid to travel to each...no kids..just me and the radio in the car and let me tall you Talk radio is getting pretty interesting and I dont have to tell the kids to SSHHH.LOL
I have already got paid and it helped alot...My Dh has been great...cleaning, cooking, and doing the kids schoolwork with them..He actually said he enjoys this and wouldn't mind be "Mr Mom". He does see how stressful the morning could be since I am already gone he gets the kids off to school.
Well I hope all is well..I promise to be around but it will prob ally be every few days..not everyday like it was...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
one by one they all start falling down.......
the kids all had the stomach flu. It started on Tuesday and it was bad. They could not hold nothing down and the had fevers and achy bones which made for whiny kids. Well Thursday afternoon I started feeling not too good but I fought it until about 5 pm well I was down. It was horrible I have not been that sick in a longtime..enough for me to be in bed and never get up so my DH had to take charge and finish what I started. Around Midnight I hear my DH running to the Bathroom..yep it got him too!
So there we are laying in our bed tossing and turning and moaning and groaning. Well one of us had to get up to kid the kids up for school. We both attempted but it was hard. Of course Kevin leaves first which means I cant even ask for his help. My dad did come up to take the girls to school so I we would not have to go out. Then my MIL cam and got the boys so we can rest. Yeah we finally got alone time and we were both stuck in bed which was not that easy since we only have a full and we just could not get comfortable and then my husband would yell at me and tell me to quit shaking the bed because It made him sick.
Well I am feel alot better today..just tired out. He is still sick..real sick..so I am trying to get him to go to med express because if the pattern of all us is the same he should be feeling better since it was like a 24 hour flu but he is stubborn and actually went up to his work to write a schedule for a couple of hours....whatever.
Oh and thanks for all the prayers from the last post..I still will not go into details but it seems to passing over.
So there we are laying in our bed tossing and turning and moaning and groaning. Well one of us had to get up to kid the kids up for school. We both attempted but it was hard. Of course Kevin leaves first which means I cant even ask for his help. My dad did come up to take the girls to school so I we would not have to go out. Then my MIL cam and got the boys so we can rest. Yeah we finally got alone time and we were both stuck in bed which was not that easy since we only have a full and we just could not get comfortable and then my husband would yell at me and tell me to quit shaking the bed because It made him sick.
Well I am feel alot better today..just tired out. He is still sick..real sick..so I am trying to get him to go to med express because if the pattern of all us is the same he should be feeling better since it was like a 24 hour flu but he is stubborn and actually went up to his work to write a schedule for a couple of hours....whatever.
Oh and thanks for all the prayers from the last post..I still will not go into details but it seems to passing over.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
some prayers needed
There is some things going on with me at work that is making me very uneasy and well just sick to my stomach. For the last 12 hours since I have found out it feels like I have a heavy weight on my shoulder and in my stomach. I cant get into details but it might get nasty. Please say a little prayer for me to be strong and make it through and that I will put my trust in the lord which is so important right now. Also say a little prayer for the other(s) involved becasue they know not what they are doing.
Friday, September 12, 2008
All week I have taken care of the kids and cant forget about my DH who was in bed for 2 days straight and now its my turn to be sick. Who is going to take care of me? Nobody. Thats OK though part of my of being a mom/wife. I am sitting around doing no housework so at least thats something. I would love to take a catnap though but with a 3 and 4 year old boy running around with everyone gone that is impossible. I also have to go to work tonight..maybe I can catch a catnap there in the cash office....ssshhhh dont tell nobody.LOL
So on top of the sickies here we started our wonderful activities out of school. Alyssa started Dance Tuesday and Brittney went Thursday and Kevin had his first football game on Weds. He never played before but he seems to enjoy it. I was kind of unsure about this but I am happy he is enjoying it. I went to the game and of course I know nothing(not a sports fan here) but we had to cheer him on anyway. I know he caused the other team to fumble and recovered the ball. Yeah Kevin! Its funny because seeing him today in his team jersey he had to wear to school made me really realize today how much he has grown up.
Well off to lay down for awhile before I take Brandon to pre-school. Hope everyone else is doing well!
So on top of the sickies here we started our wonderful activities out of school. Alyssa started Dance Tuesday and Brittney went Thursday and Kevin had his first football game on Weds. He never played before but he seems to enjoy it. I was kind of unsure about this but I am happy he is enjoying it. I went to the game and of course I know nothing(not a sports fan here) but we had to cheer him on anyway. I know he caused the other team to fumble and recovered the ball. Yeah Kevin! Its funny because seeing him today in his team jersey he had to wear to school made me really realize today how much he has grown up.
Well off to lay down for awhile before I take Brandon to pre-school. Hope everyone else is doing well!
Monday, September 8, 2008
the week from HEdouble hockey stick
yeah this has been a bad week..and this one is not looking good either. Ryan went to his first day of both schools on Tuesday. The first being Dart. He starts at 8:30 am and Mark met us there to see Ryan in. Well he cried when we were trying to leave and was screaming and kicking. The teacher says just go ahead and go he will be fine.(I see my Dh's eyes coming out of his head) All the way down the hallway we hear him and my heart is breaking but I know he need this. The good news is when I picked him up he was all smiles and in his own little ways he told me what he did. The Teacher sent a note that said he cried for 5 minutes and then played with all the new toys and made new friends.
So in the afternoon was the 1st day for the regular pre-school..I am nervous and really still don't think he will make it. The TSS met us there and took him with a little bit of tears but he walked in with Brandon too. SO I get my van and part of me is just heartbroken and the other is like WOW Silence and I will have some me time for the first time in many years today but I figured dont get used to it. I did mange to get in a catnap.LOL
We picked him up from school and to my amazement the teachers said he did really well. He sat and followed directions and was not the most misbehaved kid there!
(WOOOOHOOO) Well the next day he just has the afternoon pre-school so we take him and the Tss is there and what a difference. Ryan cried and screamed and kicked and punched and refused to go in...one word he says clear...GO! So I did not force him to go since this was not really a necessary school for him like Dart wit the speech is so I did manage to have one day to myself but now I have my little buddy home with me every afternoon which is still alot better then when all 5 are here so I still get semi-me time. And for the Dart preschool..he still hesitates but every day he gets better.
Brandon, Brittney and Kevin..no complaints they love school and are managing good grades so far too!
Now Alyssa on the other hand she has cried everyday so far. She refuses to go to school. She cried on her way into school and on the way out..yeah the way out too! If she does not see me/DH or Brittney she will freeze and start crying. Today was a bad day for her too because Brittney has a bad cold and stayed home so ALyssa cried the whole morning and I had to drag her to the van and the teachers aide had to pull her fro the van to her classroom. I talked to the teacher and she said within the few minutes she stops crying and is perfect as she can be...the most well-behaved and she made her first A+ pn Friday.
Times like this really makes me want to homeschool my kids but I know I am not ready for that emotionally or financially and maybe in time I will but right now I just have to deal with and pray for the best outcome for each kid. God is Good no matter what we choose for our kids...he will see us through and for that I am grateful!
So in the afternoon was the 1st day for the regular pre-school..I am nervous and really still don't think he will make it. The TSS met us there and took him with a little bit of tears but he walked in with Brandon too. SO I get my van and part of me is just heartbroken and the other is like WOW Silence and I will have some me time for the first time in many years today but I figured dont get used to it. I did mange to get in a catnap.LOL
We picked him up from school and to my amazement the teachers said he did really well. He sat and followed directions and was not the most misbehaved kid there!
(WOOOOHOOO) Well the next day he just has the afternoon pre-school so we take him and the Tss is there and what a difference. Ryan cried and screamed and kicked and punched and refused to go in...one word he says clear...GO! So I did not force him to go since this was not really a necessary school for him like Dart wit the speech is so I did manage to have one day to myself but now I have my little buddy home with me every afternoon which is still alot better then when all 5 are here so I still get semi-me time. And for the Dart preschool..he still hesitates but every day he gets better.
Brandon, Brittney and Kevin..no complaints they love school and are managing good grades so far too!
Now Alyssa on the other hand she has cried everyday so far. She refuses to go to school. She cried on her way into school and on the way out..yeah the way out too! If she does not see me/DH or Brittney she will freeze and start crying. Today was a bad day for her too because Brittney has a bad cold and stayed home so ALyssa cried the whole morning and I had to drag her to the van and the teachers aide had to pull her fro the van to her classroom. I talked to the teacher and she said within the few minutes she stops crying and is perfect as she can be...the most well-behaved and she made her first A+ pn Friday.
Times like this really makes me want to homeschool my kids but I know I am not ready for that emotionally or financially and maybe in time I will but right now I just have to deal with and pray for the best outcome for each kid. God is Good no matter what we choose for our kids...he will see us through and for that I am grateful!
Monday, September 1, 2008
one more day
and my baby will go to school. I am so torn still about this but I know this will be the best thing for him..he is just so little still. He starts the Dart preschool(kids that have a little delay) at 8:30 am. We went for orientation on Thursday and out of 5 new kids Ryan was the only one that would not sit for the circle time. I am so nervous but maybe when I am gone he will do better.
He is also starting the public school area pre-school. I really think he will not make it. At first our plan was to have our TSS(helper/aide) go with him every day for about two months then cut back gradually. Well the insurance company will not cover that many hours..we only got approved for 4 hours a week..and 6 hours at home. I would rather have more school hours then home hours but whatever. I really dont think the little guy is going to adjust to a maninstream pre-school...but anything is possible. I am praying all works out for the best interst for Ryan. God has a plan and he knows what he is doing and I just have to follow his lead.
On another note..Alyssa has cried every morning when Brittney walks her to her classroom. Hopefully this will be a tear-free week for her.
He is also starting the public school area pre-school. I really think he will not make it. At first our plan was to have our TSS(helper/aide) go with him every day for about two months then cut back gradually. Well the insurance company will not cover that many hours..we only got approved for 4 hours a week..and 6 hours at home. I would rather have more school hours then home hours but whatever. I really dont think the little guy is going to adjust to a maninstream pre-school...but anything is possible. I am praying all works out for the best interst for Ryan. God has a plan and he knows what he is doing and I just have to follow his lead.
On another note..Alyssa has cried every morning when Brittney walks her to her classroom. Hopefully this will be a tear-free week for her.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
so some people that dont know me IRL are wondering
why my oldest is missing in alot of the pix and posts.
For one he is 13 and hates getting his pix taken.
Also me and his father have partial custody. That meaning I have him Wed to Fidays and every other weekend and his dad has him Mon-Weds and the opposite weekend. SO yesterday he was sent to school by his dad. We have been doing this since he was 4 yrs old so I am pretty used to it.
Do I like it.. not really but that is a whole other post. I guess its good but there are pros and cons to everything...
For one he is 13 and hates getting his pix taken.
Also me and his father have partial custody. That meaning I have him Wed to Fidays and every other weekend and his dad has him Mon-Weds and the opposite weekend. SO yesterday he was sent to school by his dad. We have been doing this since he was 4 yrs old so I am pretty used to it.
Do I like it.. not really but that is a whole other post. I guess its good but there are pros and cons to everything...
back to school

Well they are back to school. They all seemed to come home happy and ready to go back. I guess they did not miss me.:( Brittney had a little bit of homework which she did right away! Alyssa was just happy they had recess 2 times today. Brandon loved it. This was his first experience so I was nervous and sad but when I picked him up the first words were mom I got a green light! (green=good, yellow so/so, red=BAD)
Ryan did not get to start yet because of some kind of loopholes in this paperwork..hopefully by the end of the week.
Brandon ready to go!

He is so big for his age.

Ryan missed is brother

but fell asleep on the ride home.....

So today being the 2nd day of school I have got alot accomplished and I had time to blog and post pictures..yeah me! I have not even taken Brandon for school yet. I do miss them not as much as I will in couple of weeks..right now the quietness and cleanness in the house is nice but its not the same.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I am still here
Yes its been awhile but its been pretty busy. I have been working 5 days since how these wonderful co-workers of mine took all there vacations in Aug and I have all this back to school stuff to do.
School starts Monday and I think we are ready. This year Kevin will be in 8th grade(ugh) Brittney 3rd, ALyssa 1st and Brandon will start pre-K. Now for Ryan he is starting 3 year old pre-school and also a pre-school for kids with some special needs. I go from not sending my 3 year olds to pre-school to sending Ryan to 2. Well thats if he makes it in the one..its the same program Brandon is in but with his limited speech and other issues he might not make it but will still go to the other. I sure will miss them..makes me still wish I was able to homeschool them but thats a whole other post.
Kevin started football practice...he never played before but he insisted. So far so good. Next week they put the uniforms on and wait til he feels the heat. I do hope he does good but I will be happy either way. I just dont want him to quit band and boy scouts for football.
Next weekend Sunday school starts for the kids and the two girls are going to join the kids choir. I am also hoping to go to bible study once a week..that is my goal this fall. Hopefully my schedule will alow..so far so good.
School starts Monday and I think we are ready. This year Kevin will be in 8th grade(ugh) Brittney 3rd, ALyssa 1st and Brandon will start pre-K. Now for Ryan he is starting 3 year old pre-school and also a pre-school for kids with some special needs. I go from not sending my 3 year olds to pre-school to sending Ryan to 2. Well thats if he makes it in the one..its the same program Brandon is in but with his limited speech and other issues he might not make it but will still go to the other. I sure will miss them..makes me still wish I was able to homeschool them but thats a whole other post.
Kevin started football practice...he never played before but he insisted. So far so good. Next week they put the uniforms on and wait til he feels the heat. I do hope he does good but I will be happy either way. I just dont want him to quit band and boy scouts for football.
Next weekend Sunday school starts for the kids and the two girls are going to join the kids choir. I am also hoping to go to bible study once a week..that is my goal this fall. Hopefully my schedule will alow..so far so good.
Monday, August 11, 2008
summer is just about over. :(
School starts in 13 days and even though I cant wait to have some days to myself I know that after about a week or two I want my kids back at home with me. Both my little ones are going to pre-school. Brandon is going to the 4 year old program with this being his first year(we never did the 3 year olds till now, I got him into the school district program which is free and its everyday(yuck) but I know he needs it and will enjoy it. Now Ryan is also registered for the 5 day 3yr old program but I am putting him in to help him with his speech and peer relationships. His TSS will be with him for the first few months everyday all day and the wean off. He still might not even make it. We just have to wait and see.
The weather here is nice but too early for this chill in the air. It feels like fall already. Doesn't look like no more pool days left this summer. Kevin did start football today and I was happy it was not a very hot, humid day! So now we have football, dance school, girl scouts/boyscouts and church choir all starting up...here comes chaos! well at least with all the kids at school I should be able to get alot of things I been wanting to do done and update my blog more often with lots of pix!LOL
The weather here is nice but too early for this chill in the air. It feels like fall already. Doesn't look like no more pool days left this summer. Kevin did start football today and I was happy it was not a very hot, humid day! So now we have football, dance school, girl scouts/boyscouts and church choir all starting up...here comes chaos! well at least with all the kids at school I should be able to get alot of things I been wanting to do done and update my blog more often with lots of pix!LOL
Sunday, August 3, 2008
welcome home to my boyscout

Kevin came home last night from a week at boyscout camp. Even though I have not talked to him full yet I know he had a blast.
We went up there on Weds for parent night. Just me Mark and Brandon. The other kids stayed home because it was storming pretty bad in the whole area. Brandon loved to see where is big brother was at all week. He even got to see what the tent looked like inside and insisted to sleep there too!

Kevin took us for a tour of the campground and it was so muddy. You could not walk anywhere without going through puddles and mud. Now Brandon just loved that but My Dh did not because we took his truck which is spotless so the thoughts of mud in his truck was bothering him.
Brandon did get some help from his brother though...

We did not get to stay for the ceremony that started at 8:30 because it was an 90 minute drive and with Mark being at work at 5 am all week and my in laws were watching the other kids so we had to leave early. I know he got "tapped in" to some secret group in Boy scouts which is an honor to be in. Again though it "top secret"LOL. He will be starting in the Spring to work on his Eagle. We are so proud of him!!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
who said I could not homeschool
Monday, July 28, 2008
should be cleaning
With beautuful weaather here and we know summer is winding down we pretty much blew off alot of chores and enjoyed the weekend. Sat we went to a B-day party and had a blast and came home and just sat! Yes just sat around! Yesterday I had to work in the morning(and it was out 7th anniversary) and came home to my Dh telling me his parents were on their way up so he can take me to dinner! Yeah!!Its been so long. We then went over to a friends house for about an hour to sit around and chat with no kids:). So when we got back I should have started the pile of clothes or threw some kids in the shower but nope sat and sat and sat.
Fast forward to this morning.....smehow the pile of clothes got alot bigger and well I would be embarassed to have someone on my house right now. O have alot to do but today is one of those wonderful 45 minutes to sppech therapy which breaks up my day.
I have to get alot accomplished today becasue Tues I work and have some thereapist comming for Ryan..Weds speech again(sigh) then family night boy scout camp then Thur and Fri work and Sat a family reunion with some family members comming back from Ohio so have to turn cleaning mode on now!
Here is to a blessed day for you!!!
Fast forward to this morning.....smehow the pile of clothes got alot bigger and well I would be embarassed to have someone on my house right now. O have alot to do but today is one of those wonderful 45 minutes to sppech therapy which breaks up my day.
I have to get alot accomplished today becasue Tues I work and have some thereapist comming for Ryan..Weds speech again(sigh) then family night boy scout camp then Thur and Fri work and Sat a family reunion with some family members comming back from Ohio so have to turn cleaning mode on now!
Here is to a blessed day for you!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
My sweet Baby niece

I got to babysit my 5 month old niece yesterday..its been so long since I had a baby like that around here. The kids just loved her and they would not leave her alone. At first she was smiling away at all the attention and then by days end she was not a happy camper..( I kind of don't miss that) As I was preparing lunch and the baby was crying I thought I don't know how I did this years ago. My oldest two wasn't even here.
Well we enjoyed Having "Baby Riley" here and for those who are wondering yes it gave me the baby itch. Not to mention my husband too!
we have a swingset! Yeah!

A friend of ours from work wanted to get rid of this swingset since her kids were older. So we took it since we did not have a swingset for our kids. Mark threw some paint on it to give it some color and we bought some new swings to match. Nw we just have to get the tire swing up...Nice Job Mark! I wish I had the old picture of it. It was just a plain old faded wood color..I dint really like it.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
calgon take me away............
that is how I feel lately. For starters this music program which I think is great for the kids is driving me crazy. I actually have to get up earlier for the music lessons than I did for school. I am thankful that it ends in two days though. I still fell bad for Kevin though. I drag him with me for Brittneys 8:40 lesson and his trumpet lesson does not start til 10. Well Brittney is done at 9:20 so after her lesson we leave and I leave Kevin(who is 13 BTW) there to wait for the 10 am lesson. He does not mind. But then hehas his orchestra lesson at 12 which is a hour gap and I told him he has to stay there because with gas prices I am not running back and forth..Iknow its sounds mean but he gets some quiet time to read and catches up on all his boy scout material.
So now this leaves me with all the stuff going on with Ryan...a little background...he was diagnosed with Aprixia(speech disorder) He will be 3 in Aug and says few words. So for the last year we have had a speech therapist come to the house once aweek and a developmental therapist come twice a week. Now on top of that I have him in wrap around service basically because with limited speech he throws alot of temper tantrums and well I guess he has some behavioral issues. So I now have a BSC comming to the house 2 times a week.(I call her my SuperNanny..she is awesome...)
So that is someone comming to my house 5 times aweek. It is very stressful esp because I extra clean when they are comming..Idont keep a dirty house but at the same time with my little ones things get pretty messy fast around here.
Now this week Ryan started his outpatient speech therapy at the Childrens Hospital of Pgh. Well we have been on the waiting list since March..yes March. So now I have to drive 45 minutes tot he North office for a 30 minute visit twice a week...they really suggest not bringing the other kids along so I have to have my parents up here now to watch them.
Needless to say that this is the 1st year I am looking forward to school starting..
* On a funny note...our first Bsc we had was a young lady who just got out of school and she was here for the first day for about 90 minutes..well she declined the case..we scared her off. I guess with 4 kids running around you and wanting to play with all your new,exciting toys you brought was a little too much.LOL
Hope everyone is having a great summer!
So now this leaves me with all the stuff going on with Ryan...a little background...he was diagnosed with Aprixia(speech disorder) He will be 3 in Aug and says few words. So for the last year we have had a speech therapist come to the house once aweek and a developmental therapist come twice a week. Now on top of that I have him in wrap around service basically because with limited speech he throws alot of temper tantrums and well I guess he has some behavioral issues. So I now have a BSC comming to the house 2 times a week.(I call her my SuperNanny..she is awesome...)
So that is someone comming to my house 5 times aweek. It is very stressful esp because I extra clean when they are comming..Idont keep a dirty house but at the same time with my little ones things get pretty messy fast around here.
Now this week Ryan started his outpatient speech therapy at the Childrens Hospital of Pgh. Well we have been on the waiting list since March..yes March. So now I have to drive 45 minutes tot he North office for a 30 minute visit twice a week...they really suggest not bringing the other kids along so I have to have my parents up here now to watch them.
Needless to say that this is the 1st year I am looking forward to school starting..
* On a funny note...our first Bsc we had was a young lady who just got out of school and she was here for the first day for about 90 minutes..well she declined the case..we scared her off. I guess with 4 kids running around you and wanting to play with all your new,exciting toys you brought was a little too much.LOL
Hope everyone is having a great summer!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Kennywood 2008
We finally made it to Kennywood this Summer..the day we were supposed to go was rainy all day. The kids had a blast...! Of course its getting a little harder with all the height restrictions and Alyssa(6) can still ride in kiddieland and did not want to but wanted to ride the big rides which she was to small for some. Then Kevin and Brittney who are to big for kiddie land and rides all the big rides but they cant go off by themself and they did not like the ideal of hanging out in kiddleland...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
tornado in western PA?

so over the weekend we got hit with some bad storms(well at least thats what the weather people all said) we did get some rain and and a little thunder/ligtning but I have seen it worst than that.
The one thing that standed out was I was at work on Sat night and we got a call that there was a tornado warning for our area. Of course that means there was one spotted. We do not get those often so the big storm fan I am took my 15 minute break to sit outside and watch this storm pass through. The rain came and came pretty hard too. The wind blew hard for about 5 minutes...like 2 or 3 big gusts but hardly no thunder or lightining. Now this was our 2nd big storm today so I was watching the clouds with all the other who were amused at the view of them and they were miving pretty fast..sort of freaky if you ask me and I of course had my camera and snapped som pix. Now there was no conformation of a tornado but the radar picked on up but they said it never touched the ground. Now I think that the picture I got def shows a small funnel but my DH says no its just a cloud...well I will still stick with a funnel cloud..what do you all think! Also I got he aftermath in the sky..what a beautiful sight..there was also a rainbow but I could not get it in enought time.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
some pix I promised(more to come later too)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Yes Back to work..well yesterday but today I am off again. Of course I got nothting done I hoped to do. On sat(my last day) I started scrubbing the two bedrooms upstairs..they actually look like bedroom now. Lets see how long they will stay that way. We managed to make it tot he zoo. I will have to upload some pix later. Vacation Bible school started yesterday and also Kevin made his confirmation too! Of course I have no pix of that..forgot my camera.
Last night at work I finally met another family with more than 3 kids. I saw her come in and of course started counting 1..2..3..4...5...6...so when she was checking out I asked her the dreaded question"are they all yours" Yes she replies. I told her about me having 5 and would be open to more and she says I have 2 more at home. Her oldest was 15 and youngest 3. How awesome!
Well off to clean up..another therapist comming for Ryan.."sigh"
Last night at work I finally met another family with more than 3 kids. I saw her come in and of course started counting 1..2..3..4...5...6...so when she was checking out I asked her the dreaded question"are they all yours" Yes she replies. I told her about me having 5 and would be open to more and she says I have 2 more at home. Her oldest was 15 and youngest 3. How awesome!
Well off to clean up..another therapist comming for Ryan.."sigh"
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
is Vacation over yet?
The weather this week is going to be horrible and the kids want to go here and go there and with bad weather and $$ being a big issue here it is going to be more of stay home and relax. We did play Apples to Apples the last two night and we had a blast but of course I still have three more to keep busy since they can not play. We are hoping for a day to the zoo one day and a trip to Station Square(downtown Pittsbugh) to ride the incline and maybe play in the water fountain s that dance to music. The kids always get a kick out of that.
I also signed my two oldest up for their summer music lessons and of course one class is at 8:40AM! It will run for 3 weeks and I have to entertain the little ones in the van my 8 year olds class goes only for 40 minutes and it stupid to ride home or anywhere for that fact. My 13 year old goes from 11-11:40 then 12:40 to 1:30. I hope 3 weeks go real fast.
I also signed my two oldest up for their summer music lessons and of course one class is at 8:40AM! It will run for 3 weeks and I have to entertain the little ones in the van my 8 year olds class goes only for 40 minutes and it stupid to ride home or anywhere for that fact. My 13 year old goes from 11-11:40 then 12:40 to 1:30. I hope 3 weeks go real fast.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I am on Vacation!!!!!!!!!
So 1 week of no work and I even think I got my computer working alot better so I am going to computerville this week..yup this will be my vacation.... I hear kids screaming in the background but I tell myself mom is a world away from them right now and I will be back in a week...ok now reality sets in...
So school is out and the kids are bouncing already. Hopefully this week we will get alot of fun stuff in for them. We went to the local pool the other day..I took the 5 by myself and besides Ryan they were all well behaved.
Speaking of Ryan..the update on him...well he did get diagnosed with Aprixia which is a speech disorder that needs alot of therapy. So as of now I still have therapists coming to my house three times aweek and we are starting a wrap-around service that someone will come to my house for 2 days at 3 hours each day."sigh" They are going to work more on his behavior because of his delay in speech. I feel so bad for the little guy who just cant tell us what he wants or needs. I still cant even take him out to many public places because he will just throw a fit and he is still very active/hyper.
Well like I said this will be my vacation spot so I will talk to you real soon!
Have a blessed day!
So school is out and the kids are bouncing already. Hopefully this week we will get alot of fun stuff in for them. We went to the local pool the other day..I took the 5 by myself and besides Ryan they were all well behaved.
Speaking of Ryan..the update on him...well he did get diagnosed with Aprixia which is a speech disorder that needs alot of therapy. So as of now I still have therapists coming to my house three times aweek and we are starting a wrap-around service that someone will come to my house for 2 days at 3 hours each day."sigh" They are going to work more on his behavior because of his delay in speech. I feel so bad for the little guy who just cant tell us what he wants or needs. I still cant even take him out to many public places because he will just throw a fit and he is still very active/hyper.
Well like I said this will be my vacation spot so I will talk to you real soon!
Have a blessed day!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I think I am back for good............

So I got my computer fixed way back and a couple days later my screen mysteriously broke...of course I have my theory about how it broke but "he" denies it. So it took about 2 weeks to get a new one and then my internet was still slow as a turtle but I did some of this and that and now it seems to working alot better(knock on wood).
May is just about over but we end it with the girls dance recital"sigh" The rehersal is on Sat and the recital Sun and I am still needing to get out and buy some stuff for it...I always wait to the last minute. we had B's 4th birthday party on Memorial day even though his actual B-day is June 8th but my oldest is away that week and then VBS and soemthing else which I cant remember right now. The weatehr was beautiful and everyone had a great time. This was just about the first time we let the kids outside becasue of all the crappy weather here.
Well I am determined to keep this updated and now I just have to learn how to add some neat stuff to it. Hope all is well with all of you
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
May May go away........
well that is how I feel everytime this year and I think it will only get worse.. I just feel so overwhelmed at this time of year. May is just so busy for alot of families...all the end of school year stuff...concerts, field trips, parties for end of this and end of that and yatta yatta yatta! On top of that I have 6 different appts for the kids in May. Oh yeah and I cant forget my work schedule gets more hectic because of working around the busy schedule and all the employees are staring there vacations so guess who has to pull extra shifts."sigh". Calgon take me Away!
Well as I rush through the month of may hopefully I can learn how to upload pix from my digital camera so I can share some of our busy moments!LOL
One good think about Mai is my birthday is the 2nd day of May! Too bad I am working my kids schools Flea Market that day..well at least the kids will be at home and I will have some mom(social) time.
Blessings and Happiness to everyone!
Well as I rush through the month of may hopefully I can learn how to upload pix from my digital camera so I can share some of our busy moments!LOL
One good think about Mai is my birthday is the 2nd day of May! Too bad I am working my kids schools Flea Market that day..well at least the kids will be at home and I will have some mom(social) time.
Blessings and Happiness to everyone!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
SO that is why I have not posted in a LONNNG time. I finally broke down and called Dell to re-format the whole thing to start over agin...it was a 4 hour process on a phone with people who do not talk very good English...can we say very frustrating! ANd the computer is still not 100%. my high speed is acting like dial up and it freezes and well just to slow for my hectic days.
I know some of my family and friends have been asking about me and wanting an update...so here it goes..
Well kids are great..school is finishing up(Thank Goodness) and Spring is here which means I hear can we go outside all day long. Brittney went from being a brownie to a junior and Alyssa is going from Daisy to Brownine. Kevin is still full force in Boy scouts and looking forward to summer camp. Dancing school is winding down..recital is June 1st. Britteny did basketball which she really enjoyed and no baseball or softball this summer(me dancing here)
I still have Ryan seeing a speech therapist 3 times a week...I finally have a name with his speech problem...aprexia...so much need therapy for along time...he will be 3 in Aug and still only says 2 words..well to us its two words... NA NA and Ma MA. It is very hard with this speech problem but I know it could be worse. I am signing both boys up for pre-school..yes me sho wanted to homeschool and be with the kids all day long...well having a 2 and a 3 year old BOY at home was putting me over the edge...they are a tag team who won the championship belt at the Graham House!
So now to the husband..the lovely wonderful husband....(red face here) He bought a brand new truck..yeah gas hitting $4 soon but hey lets get a truck. Yeah we only had one vehicle for the last year and it was somewhat of a pain so were were in talks of another vehicle..so we got pre approved and that same night he calls me at work and has truck already picked out and ready to bring home...(me pulling hair out of either him or me) so now he has his truck yes I am very bitter....and the best quote from him so far....well Debbie I will start doing more around the house so you can work some more hours!(ok I am beat red here)
So there goes thoughts of a new computer(this is only taking me 30 minutes to tyoe thanks to the freezing and running slow)
Well hopefully I can tweek some stuff and get some new pictures up and keep posting more! Or maybe I will just have to go get a 2nd job so I will never be around(still bitter)
And to my friends on some of my groups I will be around soon...I lost all my usernames/passwords so I have to create new ones.Sigh....
Blessings for the Grahams!(sorry for misspellings today)
I know some of my family and friends have been asking about me and wanting an update...so here it goes..
Well kids are great..school is finishing up(Thank Goodness) and Spring is here which means I hear can we go outside all day long. Brittney went from being a brownie to a junior and Alyssa is going from Daisy to Brownine. Kevin is still full force in Boy scouts and looking forward to summer camp. Dancing school is winding down..recital is June 1st. Britteny did basketball which she really enjoyed and no baseball or softball this summer(me dancing here)
I still have Ryan seeing a speech therapist 3 times a week...I finally have a name with his speech problem...aprexia...so much need therapy for along time...he will be 3 in Aug and still only says 2 words..well to us its two words... NA NA and Ma MA. It is very hard with this speech problem but I know it could be worse. I am signing both boys up for pre-school..yes me sho wanted to homeschool and be with the kids all day long...well having a 2 and a 3 year old BOY at home was putting me over the edge...they are a tag team who won the championship belt at the Graham House!
So now to the husband..the lovely wonderful husband....(red face here) He bought a brand new truck..yeah gas hitting $4 soon but hey lets get a truck. Yeah we only had one vehicle for the last year and it was somewhat of a pain so were were in talks of another vehicle..so we got pre approved and that same night he calls me at work and has truck already picked out and ready to bring home...(me pulling hair out of either him or me) so now he has his truck yes I am very bitter....and the best quote from him so far....well Debbie I will start doing more around the house so you can work some more hours!(ok I am beat red here)
So there goes thoughts of a new computer(this is only taking me 30 minutes to tyoe thanks to the freezing and running slow)
Well hopefully I can tweek some stuff and get some new pictures up and keep posting more! Or maybe I will just have to go get a 2nd job so I will never be around(still bitter)
And to my friends on some of my groups I will be around soon...I lost all my usernames/passwords so I have to create new ones.Sigh....
Blessings for the Grahams!(sorry for misspellings today)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
my tax refund that is...what a blessing that was for us. We do get alot back and I mean alot and it helps us get caught up on anything we fell behinde on and have some extra to play with. We went out and bought a new refridgerator and also a DIGITAL CAMERA(yeah me) I have never had one so this is like Christmas for me. I will be able to start posting pix on here all the time!
Hope all is well I know the flu bug is bitting hard...I had it again last weekend along with all the kids..the only one that didnt get it was DH...he did such a good job when I was in bed for two days that he needed rewarded..prayers do work.
Hope all is well I know the flu bug is bitting hard...I had it again last weekend along with all the kids..the only one that didnt get it was DH...he did such a good job when I was in bed for two days that he needed rewarded..prayers do work.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
So lasts weeks parties are over and we survived...even after having 12 little 7 and 8 year olds screaming and running around the house. My house is now cleaned but now the sickies are approaching us. My daughter got sent home from school the other day..poor thing threw up all over her classmate...she was fine after that..the rest of the day she laid but ate and you would have never thought she was sick..2 days later I get a call from the nurse..she is sick again. Of course this is a day I dont have a vehicle..so call around and no one is home. I ponder this thought of walking up to the school to get her in the frigid temps with my 2 and 3 year old..I did not want to do this but I had no choice. I still could not get a hold of my DH so off we went. 2 BIG GIGANTIC hills to climb..the boys held hands the whole way and we all bundled up. Well on the way back my dh comes flying around the bend..he got the message..the walk down is not that bad but hey got out of the cold.
So now I am the sick one..well sorta of...I woke up yesterday with my eyes all yucky and red. I thought pink eye but I wear contacts so I put a new one in..it hurts a little and I have no glasses to give my eyes a break...sigh..so off to the DRS on Monday. I also was scrubbing the floor when I got this pain in my stomach(if I was 7-9 pg I would have thought this is it) It hurts so bad I was hunched over and in tears...my good old Kidney Stone is back...the trooper I am though went to work but left an hour early..I feel no better today...I do work but I am thinking I might go in late..so I could lay down.
Well hope you all have some healthy houses...
So now I am the sick one..well sorta of...I woke up yesterday with my eyes all yucky and red. I thought pink eye but I wear contacts so I put a new one in..it hurts a little and I have no glasses to give my eyes a break...sigh..so off to the DRS on Monday. I also was scrubbing the floor when I got this pain in my stomach(if I was 7-9 pg I would have thought this is it) It hurts so bad I was hunched over and in tears...my good old Kidney Stone is back...the trooper I am though went to work but left an hour early..I feel no better today...I do work but I am thinking I might go in late..so I could lay down.
Well hope you all have some healthy houses...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
OK so I researched and
it appears to be false..but I still dont trust him..something with the name OBAMA and HUSSEIN(sp)as a middle and last name just scares me at this time we are in our nation. Don't get me wrong I think he is a very smart intelligent guy but for President...nope.
I have always thought this..
Since this is my first official time paying attention to this election I have really been concerned about Obama...now I got this and I def am going to do some more research..
Body: Who is Barack Obama? Very interesting and something that should be considered in your choice. If you do not ever forward anything else, please forward this to all your contacts...this is very scary to think of what lies ahead of us here in our own United States...better heed this and pray about it and share it. We checked this out on "snopes.com". It is factual. Check for yourself. Who is Barack Obama? Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita, Kansas. Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia.? When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocate to Indonesia. Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school. Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, "He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school." Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that that he is not a radical. Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education. Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CH RISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran. Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches. Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy. The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!! Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!!!
Pepole laugh at me when I say I dont trust him...My mom is all for him too and I just argued with her and she said I am crazy..going to research some more especially to prove my mom wrong.LOL that always feels good!
Have a blessed day!
Body: Who is Barack Obama? Very interesting and something that should be considered in your choice. If you do not ever forward anything else, please forward this to all your contacts...this is very scary to think of what lies ahead of us here in our own United States...better heed this and pray about it and share it. We checked this out on "snopes.com". It is factual. Check for yourself. Who is Barack Obama? Probable U. S. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM from Nyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHEIST from Wichita, Kansas. Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii. When Obama was two years old, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia.? When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocate to Indonesia. Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school. Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim. He is quick to point out that, "He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school." Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that that he is not a radical. Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influence was temporary at best. In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son's education. Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam. Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world. Since it is politically expedient to be a CH RISTIAN when seeking major public office in the United States, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in an attempt to downplay his Muslim background. ALSO, keep in mind that when he was sworn into office he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Koran. Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegiance nor will he show any reverence for our flag. While others place their hands over their hearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches. Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy. The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States, one of their own!!!! Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading our country?...... NOT ME!!!
Pepole laugh at me when I say I dont trust him...My mom is all for him too and I just argued with her and she said I am crazy..going to research some more especially to prove my mom wrong.LOL that always feels good!
Have a blessed day!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
finally paying attention.....

Well the one guy who stood out to me months ago was Mike Huckabee...then I started seeing his name pop up on other blogs and MYSPACE Pages so I was like Wow..I must be following the right candidate even though he was pretty much unheard of then but now look at him! He is everywhere and the word is he won tonight in Iowa (still don't understand this Caucus thing LOL). I know it doesnt mean anything but it does show how his Faith has brought him this far and to me that is one thing this nation as a whole lacks and we need more of.
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