Monday, October 5, 2009
I forgot I had a blog..LOL
And yes I have fallen for FB too...I see some chat on other blogs about that....I keep in touch there with alot of friends and I have a few who are having some rough health problems and that's is how I keep updated with them.
I always say to myself oh wow I need to blog about that,,or blog about this..and know how that goes....I need one of those advanced technology that you just talk and it types for you!
Hope everyone is enjoying the changing of the season!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
has it been that long again..
Some of my time is going to Friday night Football games to see Kevin march...I remember those days..the memories! He has also had a few parades already and the big band festival is this Sat..and I am working that..yeah me! I have been working more hours too because the band trip to Disney is fast approaching and money is not...and we all would like to go but so far not looking good.
Brittney started up again with Girl scouts and Alyssa's starts in Oct. Alyssa also went back to Dancing school. I still have a few months before Basketball starts...Brittney plays that...and just think my two littlest really do not do anything yet..."sigh"
Sunday school started up so we are trying to make it every Sunday....I was really hoping to get into a bible study but time is not looking good.
So as you see I have alot on my plate but honestly I have been Facebooking alot too...I am addicted..what can I say! So that is taking up some time....I just love getting in touch with so many people I never see or have not seen in is a blessing to reconnect with so many...and the games are fun too! LOL
Also if you could say some extra prayers for dear friend of mine...he is experiencing some health problems and has a wife and 3 small children....pray that God will put his healing hand on him and let him fight this!
have a blessed week!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Yes I........
Yes I know what causes this and prevents this
Yes I work away from the home
Yes I have the most supporting husband and great tag team partner
Yes I am unorganized and messy
Yes I clean/organize from time to time
Yes we pretty much live paycheck to paycheck but we manage and God sees us through
Yes I wish I could stay home and be a SAHM
Yes my parents help us out alot and very blessed and thankful for that
Yes I had my 1st child to someone else than my husband and was in the 12th grade
Yes God does everything for a reason
Yes I am far from perfect
Yes my kids are far from perfect
Yes my kids are in the public school system
Yes I thought of homeschooling and still do from time to time
Yes I believe I am a christian
Yes I do skip church
Yes I did not vote for our current president
Yes I consider myself a conservative
Yes I will still be your friend if your not
Yes I tend to slack alot at home
Yes there are times I do make up for it
Yes I have high hopes and Dreams
Yes I realize that I will never reach them
Yes I do tend to debate but sometimes not to sure of what I am saying
Yes I will take the heat from someone else
Yes my kids are bad but at the same time they can be the most well-behaved
Yes my kids fight and I do sometimes ignore them
Yes my kids are not straight A students but they do their best and most important have respect
Yes I am active with all the activities my kids have
Yes they have alot
Yes there are times I just need to be alone
Yes in those alone times I miss my kids
YES I am human like everyone else and no two people are the same just like snowflakes
Monday, August 31, 2009
Back to school
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
who would have thought habing a child in the HS band would be so overwhelming!
This is the year for the "Disney Trip" so that equal $$$$! fundraisers all the time. Ok so that is expected but the band is one the of the best in this whole area and they take pride and its awesome to see that but now I have to be a part of that and 5 kids (1 with autism) and working 32-49 hours a week is not going to be easy.
Don't get me wrong I attend the meetings when I can and I am willing to help out but this volunteering for the band is going to be like another job for me! They work on a point system...1 hour of service+2 points and each kids parents have to get 50 points or you pay money. So I could give them $100 and that's it but who am I kidding..don't have that much money to do just that!
well so far I am working the snack bar at the HS football game...that's about 4 hours so 8 points! Then they have a band festival and I am passing out water and pretzels to the visiting bands...not sure how many hours...lets say 2...4 more point! I volunteered my mom(HA HA) to make Huklishki(sp) for one of the games and that's 5 points! I will have17 points..WOOHOOO...Only 33 more to go!!!!!!!!!Well I can call it quits there but I will have to pay $66 which I still dont have and maybe thats because the trip is costing $1200 and not sure if I can fund raise all of son does have $450 so far but the trip is in April..oh wait the money is due Feb...(my head hurts again!)
So on top of that we have all the parades that I have to go to(thats what moms do) and the FB games every Friday night(and by October/Nov it will be freezing out) I can all I can to it bear it and keep looking forward..and think if all my kids will be in the band I only have.....13 more years of this! Chest hurts now too!
Friday, August 7, 2009
VBS and Swimming lessons are DONE!
Vacation Bible School also wrapped up last night. it was a fun week..we had about 70 kids and even had Middle/high school class. The kids had so much fun...
I did the Pre-school games outside with them. Wow they are a handful...some of these kids do not listen at all. Its sad to see too because these kids are getting dropped as we are considered "a babysitter" but in the long run they are learning how great is our God with all he does! Its a blessing in disguise!
My husband even came and awesome is that! He is the husband who comes to church on Holidays and when the kids are singing or somehow involved. They even had him portray Jesus as the kids sang. Then last night he stayed after and helped them clean up! That means alot to me Mark! Love you! (you are 30% on your way to heaven, we still have alot of work to do.LOL) No that's good..I never like to see someone become a christian because they are forced but because they want to.
Well school starts here in about 3 weeks...don't know if I am happy or sad. I hate my kids being gone from me all day but I am ready for a a week would be fine! Summer has just flew by! I am actually really starting to look forward to Christmas....I know its early but I dont know..something tells me this is going to be an awesome one for us!
Have a great weekend all!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Things I am thankful for this morning
2. A sleeping husband....he gets up so early all the time and its nice to see him get to sleep in from time to time.
3. My oldest made it home from boyscout camp in one piece along with his glasses which floated to the bottom of the lake at one point in the week! The wonderful boys up there swam to the bottom many times to recover them!
4. I am working a daylight shift after 4 straight 3-11's!
5. Even though money is tight we are still making it through. :)
6. Finding old and new friends on FB. I have found so many people that came in and out of my life from as far back as age 6...
7. VBS starts tonight and my kids always have a blast along with the other kids
8 School starts in 1 month...I never thought the day would come that I would be happy for my kids to leave for school but this summer they have been bouncing off the walls with boredom.
9. 144 Days 15 Hours 46 Minutes to favorite time of year!
10. That I have a wonderful husband and awesome kids that love me and support me in every way! Love you guys!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Blogging verses Facebook
Now I hope to put more time into my me this is something I can look back to for "memories" of me and my family. I do have to say though I do miss seeing what all my friends are doing on FB...I have snuck over there once or twice but until school starts I have decided to stay pretty much away from FB.
Have a blessed weekend my Blogging friends!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
by Esther L. Fields (before 1944)
Things don't just happen to us who love God;
They're planned by His own dear hand.Then molded and shaped, and timed by His clock.
Things don't just happen; they're planned.
We don't just guess on the issues of life,We Christians just rest in our Lord.
We are directed by His sovereign willIn the light of His holy word.
We who love Jesus are walking by faith,Not seeing one step that's ahead,Not doubting one moment what our lot might be,But looking to Jesus instead.
We praise our dear Saviour for loving us so,For planning each care of our life,Then giving us faith to trust Him for all,The blessings as well as the strife.
Things don't just happen to us who love God,To us who have taken our stand.No matter the lot, the course, or the price,Things don't just happen; they're planned.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ohiopyle(aka the mountains)
Monday, July 20, 2009
day one of vacation
The picnic was at some type of campground(makes me really want a camper). It had a little lake for the kids to swim but it was too cold so the just put there hands in and played in the sand. It had a little playground and lots of volleyball nets and horseshoe pits. You could fish and also had boats to rent to take on the lake but we didnt and the kids were disappointed. As my husband would say there was lots of food and he enjoyed that along with my 5 year old...they love to eat! We were not planning on staying the whole time but we pretty much did.
Friday, July 17, 2009
By Patriot Update
© 2009 The Patriot Update. Feel free to circulate this article, but please link / give credit to The Patriot Update.
After observing Obama on the campaign trail and during his first six months in office, we have concluded that our President lives and governs according to his own set of “Ten Commandments.” They’re certainly NOT the Ten Commandments you learned in Sunday School. In fact, many are the direct opposite! To prove that our conclusions are correct, you will find a link to source documentation for each commandment on the Patriot Update web site.
I. Thou shalt have no God in America, except for me. For we are no longer a Christian nation and, after all, I am the chosen One. (And like God, I do not have a birth certificate.) SOURCE
II. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, unless it is my face carved on Mt. Rushmore. SOURCE
III. Thou shalt not utter my middle name in vain (or in public). Only I can say Barack Hussein Obama. SOURCE
IV. Remember tax day, April 15th, to keep it holy. SOURCE
V. Honour thy father and thy mother until they are too old and sick to care for. They will cost our public-funded health-care system too much money. SOURCE
VI. Thou shalt not kill, unless you have an unwanted, unborn baby. For it would be an abomination to punish your daughter with a baby. SOURCE
VII. Thou shalt not commit adultery if you are conservative or a Republican. Liberals and Democrats are hereby forgiven for all of their infidelity and immorality, but the careers of conservatives will be forever destroyed. SOURCE
VIII. Thou shalt not steal, until you've been elected to public office. Only then is it acceptable to take money from hard-working, successful citizens and give it to those who do not work, illegal immigrants, or those who do not have the motivation to better their own lives. SOURCE
IX. Thou shalt not discriminate against thy neighbor unless they are conservative, Caucasian, or Christian. SOURCE
X. Thou shalt not covet because it is simply unnecessary. I will place such a heavy tax burden on those that have achieved the American Dream that, by the end of my term as President, nobody will have any wealth or material goods left for you to covet. SOURCE
Wrong Way Bumper Sticker (2-Pack)
I'll Keep My Guns, Freedom, & Money... You Can Keep The "Change!" T-Shirt (Black)
Al Qaeda Obama Bumper Sticker (2-PACK)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
so much to say and so little time
First off I am going to say little about me since so many people are e-mailing me so many questions esp from my Facebook account so I though I could answer it all here.
Yes I have 5 kids and yes I want more...unfortunately I have to work because money is tight thanks to not being prepared for this 10 years ago...Alot of mistakes have been made by both my husband and I. God has seen has through alot and got us out if alot of lows in our lives concerning money...I would love to quit but this is the norm for us right now...I have worked from day one. I get alot of slack from SAHM but I feel that working does not make us bad parents or are children bad/neglected kids. My saying is "its not how much time you spend with your kids its what you do with them in time you are with them." I would hate for my husband to work 2 jobs and never be home to enjoy family time too. he already works 45-55 hours a week now. I have been blessed that I work for my husband and I do pretty much get to make my won schedule..we usually work opposite shifts when needed or take the days off we want. So it all works out! God will provide to those who are patient.:)
Second is my oldest is to a previous relationship...I was the unthinkable "teenage mommy" I know some people are judging me already but remember who does the ultimate judging in the end. I was not a bad teenager..not at all..To this day I have never smoked cigs or did any kind of drug. I have also had NO alcohol beverage..I have sipped a few mix drinks to taste them and they are all awful to me. The joke at work is I don't drink or smoke I just make babies! LOL
So back to the teenage Pg...well lets just say I was with my sons father from 7th grade till about I was 19 on and off...we were neighbors(he lived 4 houses down from me and we were in the same class. My parents loved him and we all got along. Well summer before my senior year I ended up PG but not alone...........I had the support of the father and my parents and his and all the extended family. I was due in March just 3 months before graduation. I went to school everyday and still manged a 4.0(No Clairton jokes here for the locals) I went to school until the day I gave birth..and was back to school 3 weeks later but was home schooled from the district for the 2 weeks prior to going back. I am thankful for my mom who stayed at home with my son and helped out alot while I was at school.
In June both me and Kevins dad graduated and in the fall we both went to the community college together while our parents watched our son. He was working and later on I picked up a job too since we could get no government help(that's a whole other vent/blog). The Christmas before Kevin turned 2 me and his dad decided to call it quits..on good terms and friends. We were just not meant to be and we knew it. All was good between us for about a year and then we grew more apart once we started dating other people. I don't want to bore you so I will save that dram for another day...and yes lots of drama on that!
On a side not about my pg.....I believe God works in mysteriously ways because Kevins dad was not close with his mom at all..I hardly knew her(his dad raised him). Well I found out I was pg and he called her immediately...she came around helped with the baby shower and was even in the delivery room with me. Well when Kevin was about 6 weeks old she found out she had cancer and died 7 months later..She got to see/hold her first grandchild and made peace with her son.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So today is the day of the big memorial service for Michael Jackson. Of course I am going to watch it...was I a fan..I guess you can say that..not no huge diehard fan but I listened to him. There is no doubt he is, was the best entertainer ever...aside from all the drama of his life.
Now I will say that I still do not believe he harmed any kids in any way...I will stick with that and I argue it alot. Come on...all those kids he had at his ranch all those years and only one family accused him of anything and that's same family got in trouble for extorting more money from another celebrity. By now I would think some of those kids would have said something if anything happened to them while there. Everything comes out with all the sources these days so I would think more would have came out by now if it was true.
I do believe he had "slumber parties" with them which I find odd but to him he was immature and was reliving his childhood through that which leads to his childhood...He did not have One! That is also playing a big part in the way he ended up. Shame on his parents for that.
So all the tributes are coming to an end and now the media circus begins...who gets the kids, were they his kids and what about the money and will neverland ranch become the next Graceland? Well Jon and Kate are on Vacation for the summer so we need some kind of other dram to follow right?
On a side note, since MJ death my 7 year old is fascinated with him. She never really heard of him until then and now She looks him up on youtube(with my permission and observing of course) and watches all the videos of his music when on the TV..and today she is waiting patiently for his funeral....every 5 minutes I get asked when is it on. I had my doubts about exposing her to it but it is history and I am also fascinated by her curiosity into it...
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
all these fancy blogs
I hope someday to learn how this fancy stuff for my blog but until then I have to settle for a simple blog...Iam sure working 30+ hours a week with the 5 kids is not a help in doing more for my blog. I am also big on Facebook! I am addicted to that right was Myspace but FB is way better. I also TWIT..well not lately..still not in to the Twitter thing but I do have an going to be next?
Hope everyone is enjoying the Summer so far! I know we are!
Debbie :)!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Disturbing time at work...........
Last night our Loss prevention guy caught a shoplifter. I saw him take the girl upstairs and he told me to call management. With this girl(and I mean girl..she just turned 21) was a newborn baby boy and a little girl who was no more than a young 2. Usually I have to go upstairs as a female witness and I kind of said do I really have to go because I will not be able to handle seeing those kids...well 5 minutes later I get paged to the upstairs office.
So I walk in and she is getting drilled by the Loss Prevention guy and the police were on their way. She had no ID and had recent theft on her record She was addicted to Heroin and now on methadone to control that.
The police come up and they are really drilling her....she could not tell the same story twice and very defiant and would not shut up...I was ready to get out of there..I already teared up looking at the girl just sitting there not knowing what was going on and imagining whats going through her head as her mom and cop are fighting back and forth. The cop finally said to her look I am tired of yelling at you and looking like a bad guy in front of your he looks at me and asked if I can take her out.
the little girl was a little hesitant at first but I took her to get some cookies. She was so adorable..I got her talk a little..she had a purse and a baby doll. i asked her what her babies name was and she just smiled and said baby. I said to her so you are a big sister and she says yeah and I said what is his name and she says baby.LOL
Well we are walking through the store and I knew the police were searching the parking lot for her BF. Well the little girl turns the bend with me and says daddy! Now I Panic like now what do I do...he asked who are you and why are you with her and where is the baby and my GF..I just said she is upstairs with the baby and I am not sure what was going on.. I was just asked to take her to get a cookie. I was hoping I could get him upstairs because I did not want him to take her out of the store yet and he did follow me up. We get up there and now him and the cop are going at it and the little girl is just holding on to him as tight as she can to him..I tear up again. So I sat in on the rest and come to find out she is already dealing with CYF so they were called but the kids went home with her..and she also has another kids at home..
After was all said and done I juts went to my office and cried. How sad to see that first hand..we hear about it but that just made it all the real. I just pray for all this little kids who suffer through stuff like this on a daily basis.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Way too busy for mee.........
Our school has a free music programs for the next 4 weeks will consist of me driving two kids to the high school at two different times for lessons....We are going to try out the free stuff at the library this year...hoping Ryan will behave for it....that scares me.... and the local park is having a summer program every day at through the summer..and its all FREE!!!!!which is great for someone with alot of kids.
We went to Kennywood for the school husband told me to stay home because they were calling for rain well I should have listened..we left the park by 6:00 but it started raining at 3:30..ugh..I was watching my $120 flowing down the drain with the rain...
My son left for the beach this morning with his dad...he will be gone a week....he is gonna have a busy summer too...he goes to boy scout camp for a week in July then the whole month of August is Band Camp...his first year...and out band is the best band in the area of western PA (not just saying that..really..they always take 1st place) which equals long days of practice...
And of course I am still working....(sigh) Its easier though now that school is done...Hopefully we can do some other fun things with the kids this summer too..and one day I will learn how to post pictures...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Cedar point
So we get to the park and this was my first time there and wow its a very big park! Of course I hit the train first with the other mothers..I wanted to do the thrill rides but since I was the youngest mother there and the only to do such a thing so I didn't get to ride them:(. The one mother who I work with did ride two coasters with me...they were the small ones but I took what I can get. I also took a little boy who came with us on the Gemini..a big wooden roller coaster.
the kids were trouble..actually they were pretty good and funny..alot of times they had me cracking up... We did have a girl get hurt as soon as we got there..she fall while getting on a ride and hit her head on the concrete..we rushed over to first aid to check on her(than goodness the one mother with us was a nurse practitioner) She had a mild concussion so could not ride the rest of the day..her BFF stayed with her and did not ride that's a friend!
Well it was a long day and we got back home at 1:00 am..and some kids didn't not even sleep on the bus...I am thinking of taking my family back there for a day but the food was so expensive there that I have my doubts but I do want to ride those big rides...we'll see.
Have a great week!
Of course I took no pictures...I forgot my camera!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Just checking in
So we left and went to pizza hut for lunch and then to the one local park and my kids had a blast(we don't do this often) Then went to get ice cream and visited Grandma and pap. It was a nice day and made me more excited for school to be done and nice weather to come!
Monday, May 11, 2009
My 1st horrible experienceas a mother of a 14 year old with a temper
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Nation Day of Prayer
I am not the most religious person I try but I know I fail alot too but this is important to alot of Christian people in the why not let it be...I would feel the same if Jews or Muslims, etc had the same day..just let it be...worry about the economy which leads to homeless, jobless parents working all the time to make ends meet. LETS FIX THAT!
You know I am giving President Obama a chance...he did a few things ok but there are some I dont agree with either....for whatever reason this seems like we are heading to a non-christian nation which our country was founded on that...and to make all work we need some kind of religion to fall on whether it be Christian/Muslim or whatever...and for thsoe non-believers you can have a day too...everybody is entitled! Thats why America is the land of the can march down my street and I will watch but I dont have to agree..I wont criticize you or harm you or even try to stop you...its your right!
I know you have the heavy supporters out there who are going to shoot me down..thats fine...but they usually are the same people who would be complaining if the organizers of the National Day of Prayer decided to not have it public at the white house for the first time in 10+ years and they would have been screaming about its because you all think he is a Muslim or non Christian..or he's black or he is a socialist or whatever...
That is why they say some things are left well alone and I do believe that is one of them since this has been tradition for 10 plus years and was founded by Harry Truman.....and observed by presidents over the years since..
I will be observing the National Day of Prayer and I will Pray for Obama to succeed in being our first black president and for him to help this country get back on track frm the mess he was left with...I may have not supported him but he is my president and I will support him when I need to and this is something I don't support him on even if its the littlest thing..i think not only I but HE should be worried about far more important things then a group of citizens coming out to pray at the White House!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
My 9 year old has her Spring Orchestra concert and my 6 year old had a brownie party at Backstage pass and the you have work for me..."sigh" We also had to add some DR apts into the mix and that just equals less time for mom.
I did mange to go out Friday night and Sat night...2 nights in a row. The last time I did that I think I was maybe 18 or 19lol. It was my B-day weekend so on Friday My mom and sister took me gambling..yeah gambling. Not to big on that but I went. Well that might be my last can people do that all the time..I used my B-day from my mom and took a little form out fum money and blew it all...nothing compared to what I saw and heard other people blowing(and our economy is bad)but it also goes fast..I played the lottery here and there since I run the machine but at least the money you spend is like a dollar or two and you have to wait hours to see if you won(which I have alot) but with these slot machines, its like a vacuum that just sucks it away. I found a penny machine and $20 was gone in about 20 minutes. Bless my mom for going alot...and she never wins either...My friend actually won a thousand dollars last weekend but no luck with me and my family..I do believe God was trying to tell me something and I should have listened..
Last Night I went with my husband to watch bodybuilders...all I have to say is yuck...Our store owner was in the competition ad got us tickets so we went to cheer him on...I know those people have alot of strict dedication but wow..I think they look gross...the even had a 60 year old guy there who looked horrible but Bless him for getting up there. I felt out of place in the crowd to because I far from being healthy like the majority of them. Well me and Dh did manage to get a nice dinner in a t Apllebees before the show so it turned out to be a great night with Hubby! Thanks Mark!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
the question of homeschooling again....
I have been pondering this same thing for quite awhile....and alot of her pros and cons are exactly what I think of. About 6 months ago I pretty much figured just give it up on homeschooling. I could never do it. First I work and I need to work..we could no way go on one income...I know you are supposed to put it in Gods hands but with out any detail we all ready do for the most part and he has provided alot already...we are still struggling with me working so struggling any more would be a nightmare to me.
The next big thing on why I could not is I am not ORGANIZED at all....oh my..I have organized un organization..if that makes always is a scavenger hunt and always late and oh I forgot to do that but it does always work, but with homeschooling I would not want to take that chance with my kids education.
I feel those are the 2 things holding me back....if I could just work on those..and actually the me not being organized scares me the most...I am one who will discipline myself and it will lasts for a couple of weeks and then boom..back to the drawing board.
My Husband is also not a big fan of homeschooling..I am sure I can change that a little..but it would be a struggle and will it be worth it in the end because I would feel pressured to show him that it works and if it doesn't well I hate being told I told you so! he also knows how unorganized I am and that alone is enough for him to say not a good ideal...
So here I am again today pondering this whole homeschooling thing again..I tell myself it just a a kid with a new video game...but I also feel like God is trying to reach out to me..maybe not to home school completely but to take a stand to prepare for what might come...
With the blog this morning and then taking my son to pre-school a lady sees me walking with 4 of the kids and she smiles and says are you a homeschooling mom and I just replied no for now I am not but you never know in the future. Also I am in midst with my 6 year old who is 1st grade...we might have to hold her back which is killing me but I know it has to be done...the school doesn't want to of course..just push them threw and they will catch up but I know she is not where she needs to be so that has brought this up again...
I know there are alot of families that struggle with this and it seems to be such a hard choice to the end though I know that no matter what choice we did was best for us as a family.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Friday night and nothing to do....
We did mange to take the 4 little ones to ride their bikes today...I would post some pix but yeah you guessed it..I forgot the camera.LOL
I was even hoping to see some of my friends online so we can chat but hey its Friday and they are all busy."sigh" Well the bright side is I know where all my kids are and my Dh too so life is grand! GO PENS!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Is it too late to make a new years resolution?
first I have to be more familiar with the takes me forever to figure out just how to post a pic..then its getting some pictures...need to have camera handy more..
I feel like a stalker sometimes..I love to read blogs...see how other families live..since i have a thing for large families those are my favorite..but is only fair if I post more often better late than never but am sure going to try!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
On the third day he rose!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Palm Sunday/thankfull for unanswered prayers.
God works in mysteriously ways. The lady in charge today is the only other mother that has alot of kids..they have 7. our kids hang out at church functions together and we were casual together but today we got into some in depth conversation since it was just me her and our kids. Just talking to her and to hear how she is struggling the same way as we are from money to parent/in-law problems just made me feel so much better. Everyone has a story and like me they hide it and go on like everything is ok but it really is not. We both just put it in Gods hands and do not want to burden other people with our problems even though we know that our family at church know and they do so much for us without knowing the whole situation. We are so blessed to be in such a small and close knit church where everyone knows and looks out for each other.
I have been debating about going to another church since my church(which I was baptized in) is so small and maybe on a regular Sunday there are only about 20 kids and 12 are from us two mothers.LOL Today has made me realize that I as one of the only few younger members who attends regularly needs to step up to the plate more and show my passion for Christ at church more(which I lacked there) and not just at home..I know some are scratching there heads but I know and he knows what I mean!
It was great to talk to her so freely and not be judged about my family size, our financial situation and working out of the home because she does too! How awesome is our God!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
On another note I just got back from my one night stay in the Poconos..I will post about it and put a few pix up this week...I really did not get any..more from Orange County Choppers store we went to..we actually watched them being filmed for there show on Discovery..pretty cool!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
to ER I go!
breaking down and going to Medfast...
We are supposed to go to Ohio Sunday but I think I might bail out on that husband said he will take the kids with him so I can have the day to myself...that might help then.
And where did Spring go already/ The low last night was 26...The high is reaching 50 today but it was in the 60's last week...I night fresh air in the house to get the germs out...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
why do I keep getting sick?
On a positive note this year has been the first in years I have not had any sick kids...not even i the end of 2008 either. Al little sniffle here a cough here but nothing major that they were in bed and the Dr was called and meds were needed heavily. So I guess I cant complain that much.
I am just praying that me and Dh get well soon....we are going to the Poconos overnight next week. We are leaving Mon morning and will be back Tues night with no kids! This is the fist time since we were married 8 years ago that we are going away I am very excited!
Hope everyone is have a lovely week!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
getting a new computer was not a good ideal
I have now started a facebook and twitter along with the MYSPACE I have for a few years plus all the groups I go to....Everyone laughs at me at work about me being on the computer all day...they see me online in myspace and Facebook nonstop..LOl In my defense I listen to music from Myspace alot so I will leave it on while I do attempt to clean.
Hope everyone is having a blessed weekend!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My name is Debbie and I am addicted to M&M's

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Saturday, March 7, 2009
I am back!
Be patient til I figure all this new stuff out..def have to figure out loading some pix but I am still pretty busy.
I missed everyone out there in the computer land and I need to catch up. So much has happened in every ones life including I am not pg..right now is not a good time and sometimes I think I am done but it saddens me...I am trying to leave it in Gods hands but at the same time I am little scared too...
I started working 2 jobs now..back in Oct I took a 2nd job for Christmas and I am still holding on to it. It is stressful but we are not living paycheck to paycheck and with today's economy you never know what the future will hold. I do magazines at the local grocery stores(I cant get away from them as that is my 1st job too LOL) but I do go in when I have the time which sounds good but when you dont have a scheduled time then you seem to put it on hold then it catches up to the deadline and the stress comes with it. My goal is to get my van paid off then quit it which I am hoping another 3 months should do but who knows..something always comes up.
We are still having some issues with Ryan..he started talking around Christmas and has come along way. I have him in wraparound and they are trying to tell me he is on the autism spectrum. At first I was like yeah it seems like it but now I dont know...only time will tell.
Well its getting late and we loose that hour which is important to me..I am so glad to be back!
Blessings to all